Our work is rooted in building resilience and confidence in our hijas while inspiring them to consider the possibilities for their future.
During the six years of the program, we offer our members holistic programming guided by a complex developmental model and thoughtful group and individual mentoring. Our developmental model exposes our members to programs that support their academic readiness, career awareness, college preparation, personal growth, and community engagement.
Our members begin our intensive Adelante: College and Career program their sophomore year and are each supported by individual mentors as they prepare for life after high school. On average, we see our members at least twice per month.

“Circle de Luz matters because it transforms lives. It’s very humbling to think that other people are invested in your future when you didn’t know that you had one before. Circle de Luz changed my life.”
– Zuri, a Circle de Luz Class of 2016 alumna. She is majoring International Studies with a minor in French at Queens University. A black belt in Tae Kwon Do, she plays guitar, viola and piano.

“Circle de Luz is more than an organization. It is a life-changing experience. Circle de Luz has impacted my life because it allowed me to attain confidence, support, and most importantly self-awareness.”
– Leida, a Circle de Luz Class of 2016 alumna. She is a Golden Door Scholar attending Emory University pursuing a double major in economics and business administration in hopes of becoming an economic consultant for developing nations.

“Circle de Luz made a huge impact on my life. They were the guidance I needed to get to where I am now. I would like to thank the women who put great work and time into creating events, taking us to places we never imagined going to, helping us realize the amazing things we can do in life, and watching us grow into strong women.
– Ariadna, a Circle de Luz Class of 2014 alumna. She is expected to graduate in December 2019 from UNC-Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Crime Analytics. A member of the National Honors Society of Criminal Justice, she hopes to join the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department and aspires to become a detective and join the sexual assault investigations unit in the FBI.

“Without Circle de Luz, I wouldn’t have ever had the motivation or hope that I would one day go to college due to my legal status. College was not on my radar. Both of my parents did not graduate high school. When Circle de Luz came into my life in 7th grade, that was the spark for me. And now, no one can stop me!”
– Jeniffer, a Circle de Luz Class of 2015 alumna. She graduated from Guilford College in May 2019 with a double major in Physics and German Studies, and hopes to become an engineer and eventually pursue a PhD in Medical Physics.